For some students, the love of learning in the classroom evolves into a passion for inspiring and teaching a new generation of students. These students are on their way to becoming future teachers, counselors, and principals. These students are pursuing a noble and giving career in education.
Careers in education cover a wide scope of opportunities. Thus, education majors have a variety of scholarships from which to choose, from general education awards to more specific awards. No matter your education path, extra college dollars can help chip away at the costs of education.
Take our Scholarship Match Quiz to find ones that line up with your goals and interests. Check out our list of education scholarships, from bachelor’s degrees to graduate school and beyond.
The purpose of the Teacher Loan-For-Service program is to proactively address New Mexico’s teacher shortage by providing students with the financial resources to complete or enhance their post-secondary teacher preparation education.
This award is available to Washington undergraduate and graduate students who are currently attending or planning to attend a postsecondary institution in Washington. The student must have close cultural and social ties to an American Indian community in Washington.
This award is available for U.S. college graduate students who are currently teaching K-12 gifted education. Students must have been a member of the National Association for Gifted Children for one year or more and be returning to college to receive advanced training in gifted education.
This scholarship is available for Kentucky undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing an initital teacher certification. Priority is given to Juniors, seniors, and graduate level students.
This award is available to Kentucky resident students who are pursuing a degree or certificate in early childhood education at an eligible postsecondary institution in Kentucky. The student must be employed in an eligible capacity in the early childhood education field.
This award is available for U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who are attending Southern Oregon University or Rogue Community College and majoring in education/teaching, nursing, or any medical field. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
This scholarship is available for Hawaii high school seniors who are attending a public Windward O’ahu high school. Students must plan to major in education and have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
This scholarship is available for Hawaii undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring in education with an emphasis on teaching and have a grade point average of 2.8 or higher. Preference is given to non-traditional students with at least two years of teaching experience and to students of Hawaiian ethnicity.