Species on the Edge 2.0 Multimedia Contest

Award Amount
Application deadline
Awarded By:

Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey

Number of Awards & Eligibility: There are three available awards.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is for international and U.S. students.
  2. Must be currently enrolled in high school.
  3. Must attend a high school in New Jersey.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: The Species on the Edge 2.0 challenge invites high school students to work in teams on a video project with a chance to win a cash prize. Entry forms are due on March 1, 2024. Projects are due by April 5. This challenge will help students learn how to protect and preserve rare and at-risk wildlife that live, breed, and migrate through New Jersey. You will be surprised to learn how many species are currently “on the edge” and endangered here in the nation’s most densely populated state. This fun and engaging project will allow you to collaborate with your peers as you journey together to create real-world solutions to keep wildlife safe. This year, students will work in teams and, when presented with several different scenarios, will select a role such as research scientist, citizen scientist, engineer, policy maker, investigative reporter, college professor, director of a non-profit organization, or environmental artist. Students will construct a video to bring awareness and educate the public about endangered species and their environments. The contest also helps students develop skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM), environmental advocacy, design thinking, social and emotional learning, teamwork, critical thinking, and project management. Entry to the contest is free and offers students and facilitators the opportunity to win cash prizes!

Application requirements for the Species on the Edge 2.0 Multimedia Contest are:

  • Application form
  • Multimedia artwork
Additional Information:

Award Amount: Chosen applicants will each receive $500.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $3,500.

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Friday, March 1

Deadline Information:

Deadline for this scholarship is Friday, March 1

All applications and supporting materials must be submitted by the listed deadline. No incomplete/ late submissions will be accepted. Award notifications will be announced on April 25th!
About Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey:
Contact Information: Stephanie Feigin, Wildlife Ecologist
Address: P.O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Email: sfeigin@conservewildlifenj.org

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