With tuition rates increasing and school loans waiting for you after graduation, budgets are tight and money is in short supply for most college students to buy the essentials. Students cannot begin saving money early enough. Fortunately, some retailers sympathize with your financial situation and offer a variety of student discounts. Below is a list of retailers that we have found that offer student discounts for most of your daily needs

The EDU Advantage program gives student discounts on thousands of photo, video, and pro audio products

College students receive $30 off orders of $150 or more at Dooney & Bourke. Check out their collegiate shop.

Use your 10% student discount on a monthly subscription box from Frank And Oak, or buy fashions a la carte.

Get a 20% student discount when you buy directly from instead of shopping at Macy’s or Nordstrom.

Attention students! Get up to 85% off popular software like Adobe, Microsoft, and more.
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