Agriculture Scholarships

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Are there Agriculture Scholarships?

If you plan to major in agriculture or agribusiness, there are agriculture scholarships available. The scholarships help offset the cost of tuition. Unlike a loan, you don’t pay the money back as long as you follow the terms.

Sources of agriculture scholarships range from colleges to national organizations. A wide range of local providers also offer scholarships. These are usually for agriculture students in their region.

Another example is The California Farm Bureau Scholarship. They offer annual awards of from $1,800 to $5,000. The goal is to encourage students to pursue a career in the agricultural industry. There are similar awards in other states like Maryland, Vermont and Arizona.

Many are set aside for students who major in one aspect of agriculture studies. Some agricultural studies consist of:

  • Dairy farming
  • Agronomy
  • Crop and soil sciences
  • Food sciences
  • Horticulture
  • Plant pathology
  • Animal husbandry
  • Rural sociology
  • Agricultural leadership
  • Environmental science

Besides from majoring in one of these areas, eligible applicants may need to meet other criteria such as a specific GPA or financial need. You may also need to write an essay that describes how you plan to make an impact in the field of agriculture.

Yet other scholarships for agriculture students are more general. These may be available to students who commit to study any area related to farming.

For instance, scholarships from the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization are one example. These merit-based awards go to students who have some agriculture experience.

Why College Students Should Apply for a Scholarship?

If you are planning a career in agribusiness, you might want to earn a college degree. Many occupations in this diverse field look for workers with a bachelor’s degree.

One of the careers with faster than average job growth is agriculture and food scientists. As the planet gets more crowded, there’s more demand on resources like water supply and clean air. There is also more urgency to research sustainable ways to grow food and deal with pests and climate change.

If you chose this occupation, you might earn an average annual salary of $64,020. Though there are many other opportunities. Such as rangeland management or working with soil and plants or animals.

Whatever your goals, an agriculture scholarship might bring you closer. At last check, earning an agriculture degree costs an average of $6,872. That’s if you study in-state at a public college. In contrast, tuition at an out-of-state private school averages at $28,630.

List of Agriculture Scholarships

Check out our list of agriculture scholarships below. We have 1,254 awards worth $2M.

Agriculture Scholarships 2025 List

Prush Farm Park Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship is for undergraduates majoring in agriculture or a related field, full time at a college or a university. Applicants should be Santa Clara county high school graduates. The minimum GPA is 3.5.
Award Amount

Total:  $9000

Awards:  3


Deadline:  June 30

NCGA William C. Berg Academic Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship in Agriculture

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), founded in 1957, works to create more opportunity for corn growers. The NCGA William C. Berg Academic Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship in Agriculture is available for undergraduate students member or son/daughter of an NCGA member pursuing a degree in any field.
Award Amount

Total:  $7500

Awards:  5


Deadline:  December 01

AGCO Manufacturing Locations Scholarship Program

These scholarships are for students who are residents of Georgia, Illinois, Kansas or Minnesota. And, who are a high school senior or college student pursuing a two or four-year degree in any major. Applicants have participated in community service, demonstrate financial need and reside near Jackson, Minnesota.
Award Amount

Total:  $9000

Awards:  3


Deadline:  January 14

Kansas FFA Alumni Upper Level Agricultural Education Scholarship

Annually, the Kansas FFA Foundation awards more than $10,000 in scholarships to Kansas FFA members through state programs. The scholarships are sponsored by numerous agricultural businesses through the National FFA & Kansas FFA Foundations, and new scholarships are added every year. Learn more and apply today!
Award Amount

Total:  $2000

Awards:  2


Deadline:  January 15

USDA/1890 National Scholars Program

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers several scholarships to cover students’ educational expenses. Eligible students must major in agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, or related academic disciplines. Since 2014, USDA has provided opportunities for nearly 140 scholars.
Award Amount

Total:  $784000

Awards:  28


Deadline:  January 31

The Beck’s Hybrids Leadership Scholarship

The College of Agriculture awards over $2.5 million in scholarships each year to the undergraduate students in the college, made possible by the generous support of our Alumni and Friends. The College of Agriculture recognizes scholastic capability, qualities of leadership, citizenship and character as well as FFA and 4-H participation.
Award Amount

Total:  $2500

Awards:  1


Deadline:  February 01

National Holstein Women’s Scholarship

The National Holstein Women’s Scholarship is available for students who have completed one year at a college, university or technical school. At the judges’ discretion, preference may be given to a student majoring in an agriculturally-related course of study and/or those with a strong Holstein background.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  February 01

Robert K. Dennis Scholarship

U.S. high school seniors who are graduating from a high school in the Lone Tree School District in Cedar Rapids, Iowa are eligible for this award. Students must be active members of the Future Farmers of America, and plan to attend a college in Iowa.
Award Amount

Total:  $1000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  February 28

Fisk and Lila Gerhardt Scholarship

The Fisk and Lila Gerhardt Scholarship is available for seniors from Wenatchee High School who have a grade point average of 3.8 or higher. Applicants must plan to attend a four-year college or university upon graduation.
Award Amount

Total:  $2000

Awards:  1


Deadline:  March 01

Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarship

The Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarship is available to any farm, ranch or agribusiness woman or her daughter to pursue accredited courses in agriculture leadership, communications, rural sociology, medicine, or any other courses directly related to agriculture.
Award Amount

Total:  $4000

Awards:  2


Deadline:  March 01