Whether you plan to become a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or counselor, there are hundreds of opportunities for psychology majors to earn free money for college. That’s right, we’re talking scholarships! For many students pursuing psychology and behavioral studies, the work after a bachelor’s degree doesn’t end — which can result in even more costs in tuition fees and educational expenses. So, if you plan to become the next Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, or Ivan Pavolv, check out this directory of scholarships for psychology majors to discover ways to help you pay for your degree. Take our Scholarship Match Quiz to find personalized results to help pay for college.
List of Psychology Scholarships
Check out our list of 655 psychology scholarships worth $21M.
This award is for graduating high school seniors who attend a high school in the Huntington Beach High School District. Must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate an interest in sciences and humanities.
This scholarship is open to U.S. high school seniors and adult students entering their freshman year who reside in the Connecticut Community Foundation’s 21-town service area. Students must have a grade point average of B- or higher and must plan to pursue a bachelor of arts degree (i.e., liberal arts).
This scholarship is available for American Indian and Alaskan Native undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a full- or part-time study program leading to a degree in a health-related profession for one of the health career priority categories as determined by Indian Health Services. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
This scholarship is open to women who are 23 years of age or older and attend or plan to attend select NC institutions. Students must have a grade point average of 2.6 or higher, pursue a liberal arts degree, and demonstrate financial need.
This scholarship is available for graduate students who are majoring in psychology. Applicants must be a resident of Maryland and must have a grade point average of 2.8 or higher.
U.S. undergraduate students majoring in a STEM course of study at Diné College, Navajo Technical College, or Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute who have a grade point average of 2.8 or higher are eligible for this award. Students must be members of the Navajo Nation tribe and have membership in a Shiprock Agency Chapter.
This scholarship is for students ages 18 or older who are U.S. citizens with a B average or higher and planning a career in science, math, or engineering fields. Recipients of this award must agree to participate in summer internships for the Department of Defense and work for the Department of Defense after their schooling is completed.
This award is available for students in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington who are self-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), members of LGBT families, or straight-allies who have been strongly supportive of the LGBT community.
Applicants are considered a resident of one of these states if they currently live within that state and have done so for at least three months prior to the application deadline.
This award is available for U.S. citizens who are residents of Washington state and are enrolled or planning to enroll in a graduate program studying mental health. Preference is given to self-identified LGBT students, members of LGBT families, and straight allies who have been supportive of the LGBT community.
This scholarship is available for Jewish graduate students who immigrated to the United States through the assistance of HIAS Chicago and/or applied for permanent residency or citizenship with the assistance of HIAS Chicago between Jan. 1, 2000- present. The student must be enrolled in professional study in one of the helping professions.