Scholarships for Non Traditional Students

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Unigo Author Dave Moniz Written by Dave Moniz
Unigo Editor Unigo Staff ✔️ Edited by Unigo Staff

If you postponed earning your college degree, you may be eligible for scholarships for non-traditional students. Scholarships for returning students are for people who are pursuing college later in their adult life as well as those returning to school after being in the workforce or serving in the military. Learn more about non traditional scholarships below.

List of Scholarships for Non Traditional Students

Check out our list of 25,097 Scholarships for Non Traditional Students worth $132M.

Renate W. Chasman Scholarship

Award Amount
$1,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Jan 30 Deadline

This award is for U.S. re-entry female students - one who has returned to school to pursue her education following an interruption. Applicants must be residents of Long Island in New York State, accepted for credit into a degree-oriented program in the natural sciences, engineering, or mathematics, and entering the junior or senior undergraduate year or first-year graduate level.
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I Have a Dream Scholarship

Award Amount
$1,500 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Jan 31, 2025 Deadline

This award is open to all U.S. students who are 14 and older and who are currently enrolled (or enroll no later than fall of 2027) in an accredited postsecondary institution of higher education. One scholarship winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
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Sweet and Simple Scholarship

Award Amount
$1,500 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Feb 28, 2025 Deadline

This award is open to all U.S. students who are 14 and older and who are currently enrolled (or enroll no later than fall of 2027) in an accredited postsecondary institution of higher education. One scholarship winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
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Boston City Federation Scholarship for Women Returning to School

Award Amount
$500 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Mar 1 Deadline

This award is available to women from Massachusetts who are returning to college as a non-traditional student.
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Marius "Gabe" DeGabriele Scholarship

Award Amount
$500 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Mar 2 Deadline

U.S. citizens who are graduate student members of the Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education (ANTSHE) are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
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Hispanic Center Scholarship Fund - Non-Traditional Students

Award Amount
$2,100 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
6 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Mar 15 Deadline

This scholarship is open to non-traditional students from Berks County, Pennsylvania, whose ethnic background originates from Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Central America or South America. Students must meet one of the following criteria: high school senior raising child(ren); part-time students of any age; and students who are 25 years of age or older.
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Marian R. Delano Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount
$1,500 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Mar 31 Deadline

Female applicants who are members of the Southwest Section of Ninety-Nines (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Utah, Nevada) and are pursuing a private pilot license or advanced certificate or rating are eligible for this award.
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William H. Andrews/HAWS Scholarship

Award Amount
$900 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
4 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

This scholarship is open to traditional and non-traditional undergraduate students who live in housing owned or managed by the Housing Authority of the City of Winston-Salem. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher (college students who have been out of school for two or more years with lower grades may be considered on a case-by-case basis).
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UW-Eau Claire Nan Pickett Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount
$400 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

Students who are 25 or older and currently enrolled in select majors at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are eligible for this award.
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UW-Eau Claire Ellen M. Imbody Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount
$500 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
5 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

U.S. returning female students who demonstrate financial need and attend the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire are eligible for this award.
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UW-Eau Claire Lyla Flagler Award

Award Amount
$750 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

Mature U.S. students who are returning to the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire are eligible for this award. Students must not have graduated.
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UW-Eau Claire Patricia H. Anderson Memorial PEO, Chapter AP Scholarship

Award Amount
$1,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
3 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

Non-traditional female students who are undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire are eligible for this award.
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UW-Eau Claire Richard and Marlene Cable Single Parent Scholarship

Award Amount
$2,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

Female single parents who are returning to college are eligible for this award. Students must be currently enrolled at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
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Alice Conger Patterson Scholarship

Award Amount
$1,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

This scholarship is open to women who are 23 years of age or older and attend or plan to attend select NC institutions. Students must have a grade point average of 2.6 or higher, pursue a liberal arts degree, and demonstrate financial need.
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Bess Whitehead Scott - Scribes Scholarship

Award Amount
$2,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

The Bess Whitehead Scott - Scribes Scholarship is available for journalism and communications students in Texas who are 40 years of age or older. Award selection will be based on a combination of academic achievement and financial need.
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UW-Eau Claire Heroes Fund for Single Parents

Award Amount
$750 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
2 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

U.S. single custodial parents with dependent children who are enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are eligible for this award. All applicants must demonstrate financial need; preference will be given to returning female students.
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Annie S. Alexander Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount
$1,800 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 1 Deadline

This scholarship is open to incoming and current undergraduate nursing students from Forsyth County, NC, who have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Students must demonstrate some financial need, although merit is given greater consideration; preference is given to African-American students.
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Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M.

Award Amount
$1,800 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
17 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 4 Deadline

New Mexico residents from Quay County who are graduating high school seniors beginning their college education, currently enrolled college students or from nontradional students are eligible for this award.
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Winthrop L. & Bernice Perry Scholarship

Award Amount
$3,106 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
14 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 13 Deadline

This award is available for U.S. students who are residents of Wilton, Lyndeborough, or Milford in New Hampshire. Students must be planning to enroll during the following school year as undergraduate or graduate students at a two- or four-year college.
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Mary Lou Manzie Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount
$2,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
23 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 20 Deadline

U.S. non-traditional students who are enrolled in a program of higher education or a training program are eligible for this award. Students must live in public housing.
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Lily and Catello Sorrentino Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount
$750 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
2 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 26 Deadline

Applicants for this scholarship must be 25 years of age or older and attending any degree-conferring, non-parochial educational college or university within Rhode Island. Students must demonstrate financial need; preference will be given to first-time applicants.
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Martin Duffy Adult Learner Scholarship

Award Amount
$500 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
2 Awards
Scholarship Deadline
Apr 30 Deadline

This award is available for members of the Minnesota AFL-CIO who are attending any accredited college, university, or trade school. Selection is made by random drawing and there are no past academic qualifications or records required. Spouses and dependants of Minnesota AFL-CIO members are not eligible for this award.
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Sophie Greenstadt Scholarship for Mid-Life Women

Award Amount
$1,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
May 1 Deadline

This scholarship is open to U.S. women who are 35 years of age or older and are re-entering or continuing school in order to learn a marketable skill which will lead to economic self-sufficiency. Students must reside and attend school in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, or Ventura counties in California.
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B.K. Krenzer Re-entry Scholarship

Award Amount
$3,000 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
May 1 Deadline

This award is available to undergraduate and graduate women majoring in engineering. This scholarship is intended for re-entry/non-traditional students.
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Carlson-Johnson Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students

Award Amount
$1,100 Award Amount
Total Award Amount
1 Award
Scholarship Deadline
May 1 Deadline

U.S. and Canadian undergraduate students who are returning to school after a five-year or greater absence are eligible for this award. Students must be pursuing a career in a field related to floriculture or horticulture and be interested in bedding and/or floral crops.
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Scholarships for non-traditional students often help pay for tuition and fees along with other educational expenses. Unlike a loan, a non-traditional scholarship typically does not need to be paid back. So, if you abide by the terms of the award, it should not add to your college debt.

Who Offers Non Traditional Scholarships?

Diverse group of smiling adult students in a bright corridor.

Providers of non-traditional student scholarships are diverse. You may find them through corporations, professional associations, faith-based organizations, and foundations as well as colleges and universities.

One example is the Founders Scholarship. These awards are for members of Association for Non Traditional Students in Higher Education (ANTSHE), which offers awards of $500 up to full tuition, to students attending four year colleges and universities.

Who Is A Non Traditional Student

Generally, students who did not go from high school right into college are “non-traditional.” Many students start working after earning their diploma or opt to go into military service.However, some may want to pursue college later in their life. This includes students who may have gone to college in the past but did not complete their degree or did and want to earn a new degree

In general, you may qualify for a scholarship as a non-traditional student if you meet one or more of the following six criteria from the NCES:

  1. At least 24 years of age

  2. Did not immediately enroll in college after high school

  3. Work full time

  4. Only attend school part time

  5. Has dependents other than a spouse or partner

  6. Financially independent from parents

Examples of Non Traditional Students

Thoughtful woman studying at laptop in a cozy, plant-filled room.

Non traditional students come from all walks of life. They may be older or younger, starting college after a “gap year” of even over the age of 65! Many non-traditional students are the first in their family to attend college while others may have made substantial progress in completing a degree years ago and have been inspired to return to school to achieve the goal of earning a college degree.

One thing that non-traditional students have in common is they make up the majority of students going to college these days. According to the Hechinger Report, nearly 75% of college students are classified as non-traditional.

Can Non Traditional Students Get Financial Aid?

As a non-traditional student, you may be eligible to participate in federal student financial aid programs. Like any traditional student, you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Doing so is a key step as it is required to receive any federal student aid including the Pell Grant which can provide eligible non-traditional students with awards of up to $7,395 in 2024-25.

Completing the FAFSA will also be important for qualifying for state financial aid grants and scholarships as well as those awarded by many colleges and universities.

Many scholarships and grants do not distinguish between traditional and non-traditional students, however, since many non-traditional students go to school on a part time basis, the amount of scholarship awards may be less for non-traditional students. There is no age limit for federal student aid programs and most state financial aid programs as well as the vast majority of scholarships awarded by private providers or colleges and universities.

Types of Financial Aid for Non-Traditional Students

Cheerful adult learner smiling while using a laptop in a lively café setting.

Non-traditional students are generally eligible for many of the same types of financial aid traditional students receive. This includes:

  • Federal Grants: Including Pell Grants and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG). For 2024-25, the maximum award for Pell Grants is $7,395 and $4,000 for the FSEOG program. Both these federal grants are need based.

  • State Grants and Scholarships: Many states including Indiana, Vermont, Oregon, Virginia, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Tennessee, New York, and Missouri to name a few offer grants and scholarships to non-traditional students who are residents. These programs are often need-based, however, there are programs that are merit-based. Certain states do offer grants and scholarships that focus on non-traditional students and adult learners.

  • Military & Veterans Benefits: If you or your spouse served in the United States Armed Forces and/or are on active duty, or in the reserves, you may be eligible for benefits that can pay up to your entire tuition, fees, and potentially provide a stipend for living expenses while you are in school. You can learn more about various benefits available to active duty service members, reservists, and veterans here.

  • College Scholarships and Grants: Many schools offer scholarships and grants to help make the college more affordable. These grants can be merit or need-based. Often, colleges and universities will provide eligible students with scholarships and grants in order to encourage

  • Private Scholarships: Many foundations, corporations, faith-based organizations, and community groups offer non-traditional students generous scholarships. Private scholarships can play an important role for keeping college costs affordable for non-traditional students. This is because grants and scholarships you may receive from the federal government, your state, or school may not always cover all your tuition, fees, and other educational expenses.

  • Tuition Assistance From Your Employer: Many public and private sector employers offer their employees valuable benefits that can cover tuition and fees for you to attend college as a non-traditional student.

  • Student Loans: Non-traditional students are often eligible for student loans to help finance the cost of their education. Unlike grants and scholarships, loans must be repaid so it is important to give careful thought before you take out a student loan. Student loans are available through the federal government as well as private student loan providers. Loans you receive from the federal government will typically have more favorable terms as it relates to repayment and the amount of interest you will pay to borrow.

Can You Get a Scholarship at the Age of 25?

There are scholarships that you may apply to if you are age 25. You may need to show financial need and have at least a GED. One example is the Tennessee Hope Scholarship. It awards up to $2,850 annually. You must also be a resident of Tennessee. Many other states offer similar scholarship and grant opportunities for their residents.

Scholarships for Adult Learners Over the Age of 50

If you are a non-traditional student over the age of 50, there are a number of scholarship opportunities to help you fulfill your dream of earning your college degree. One such opportunity is the Boomer Benefits Scholarship, which provides awards of up to $2,500 to non-traditional students over the age of 50 who are attending a 4 year or graduate degree program. Eligible recipients must maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average.

Why Consider Non Traditional Student Scholarships

Smiling man with glasses working on laptop at a bright, modern desk.

Grants and scholarships may help a non-traditional student re enter college and help pay for school. Grants and scholarships can make the cost of getting your degree much more affordable. Some non-traditional students can fully subsidize the cost of their college education through grants and scholarships!

Studies show lifetime earnings are higher with a college degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2023, individuals with a college degree experienced an unemployment rate of just 2.2%. For those individuals with just a high school diploma, the unemployment rate was nearly double this. The difference in weekly earnings was even more pronounced with individuals with a high school diploma receiving average weekly wages of $899 compared to $1,493 for an individual with a college degree.

How Many College Students are Considered Non Traditional?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there were 6.42 million students over the age of 25, attending colleges and universities in the U.S. as of fall 2021. That’s nearly 34% of all students attending college. Overall, 75% of all college students can be classified as non-traditional.