Wisconsin Higher Education Grant

Award Amount
Application deadline
Awarded By:

State of Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board

Number of Awards & Eligibility: Varies, based on the amount of funding available.
In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. This award is for U.S. students.
  2. Must be a resident of Wisconsin.
  3. Must be enrolled at University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Technical College, or Tribal institutions.
  4. Must enroll on a part-time basis or greater.
  5. Must be a U.S. citizen.
  6. Must be a high school senior or older.
  7. Must demonstrate financial need.

In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

Description: This award is available to Wisconsin resident undergraduate students who are enrolled in degree or certificate programs at University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Technical College, or Tribal institutions.. Students must demonstrate financial need, as determined by using the information provided on the FAFSA.

Application requirements for the Wisconsin Higher Education Grant are:

Additional Information: The Wisconsin Higher Education Grant (WHEG) Program provides grant assistance to undergraduate, Wisconsin residents enrolled at least half-time in degree or certificate programs at University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Technical College, and Tribal institutions. Awards are based on financial need. Grants are awarded based on the economic needs of students. The structure of the formula is outlined in Wisconsin State Statutes. There are three components in the formula: (Student Budget – Expected Family Contribution) x Student Award Percentage = Award. The Student Award Percentage is set annually by the HEAB board as part of the formula approval process. Awards are subject to the amount of funds available. Once all the funds are spent, remaining eligible students do not receive awards. The date the student application is received by HEAB determines which eligible students will or will not receive awards. Students can visit the HEAB website regarding eligibility and financial need requirements for each participating Wisconsin institution category.

Award Amount: Minimum and maximum awards set annually by HEAB and ranges from a minimum of $250 to a maximum $3,000 annually. Recipients are eligible to receive awards for up to a total of 10 semesters. Students should contact his/her institution's financial aid office for additional details.  The total dollars awarded for this scholarship is $1,225.

About State of Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board:
Contact Information: Cindey Cooley, Program specialist
Address: P.O. Box 7885 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7885
Email: cindy.cooley@wisconsin.gov , cindy.cooley@wisconsin.gov

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